Someone recently commented to me that they didn't "get" the whole "I'm a Chevy guy" or "I'm a Ford guy" as so many claim to be. I confess that I don't get it either, as I like and appreciate all cars that are done well, be it Ford, Mopar, GM, AMC, or import. But that argument also exists in the photography world...
I hear "I'm a Nikon person" or "I'm a Canon person" all the time. I guess I'm guilty of it as well, as I have been using Canon gear for years so I became a "Canon guy" somewhere along the way. But the part I don't understand is when I hear people trash talking one or the other. I've heard Nikon people talk down Canon equipment, and vice versa. Since both make excellent stuff, I just don't get the hate.
As a photographer, I have always believed that the best camera is the one you have in your hands when you want to take a photo. Who cares if it's Canon, Nikon, Pentax, etc. What should matter is the photo that you take, not what you take it with.
Not much content today, but that's how it goes sometimes. Happy shooting. Remember, if you're not having fun you're probably doing something wrong...
well said Russ happy shooting