Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Website is Done
Friday, December 10, 2010
The website is almost done...
Distractions are something we all must contend with, so I won't go into the specifics. Suffice it to say that some distractions can sap your creative energy. So, how does one create during times of personal challenge? What has worked for me (and Nike) is to simply "just do it." Sounds like a cliche, but it works. Grabbing the camera and shooting is a pretty good way to get your creative juices flowing.
Now that the weather has changed, it's prime time to shoot wildlife photos in Florida. If you're feeling distracted or stressed, just do it. It's cathartic, and you never know when you'll nail your once-in-a-lifetime shot. As I've said time and again, if it isn't fun you're probably doing something wrong...Lots of my pics can be seen on Flickr (and soon on the website), so please stop by
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Fun Photo Ops

While on vacation in the Adirondacks last fall, I stopped along a roadside to take some cow photos and learned a great lesson: Cows are cool! This particular cow was very friendly. As you can see, she tried to greet my camera with a kiss.
So, what's the point? I guess the point is that there are great photo opportunities everywhere, sometimes you just have to stop and look. Since this particular photo, I have stopped two or three other times to take cow photos. They usually trot over to greet you (hoping for food I'm sure, but a friendly greeting is a friendly greeting), and they have really interesting features to photograph; hooves, horns, tongues, etc.
You may or may not capture great images when you have the camera out, but it's a sure bet that you'll get no images if it's sitting in the camera bag collecting dust. Remember, if you're not having fun when you're out shooting you're probably doing something wrong... to see photos. Happy Earth Day and Happy shooting!
Monday, April 12, 2010
"Rule" 1: The Rule of Thirds
Here's an example that roughly follows that guideline. The great blue heron's open mouth is roughly at one of the intersections, as is the reflection of its head on the water. The eye tends to look at more of the image when points of visual interest are placed in areas that follow the rule of thirds.

The moral of the story: Rules are important. Don't forget to learn them, don't forget to follow them, and most-important - don't forget to break them! You might just like the results. Remember if you're not having fun when you're out shooting, you're probably doing something wrong... Happy Monday. for more pics.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A Dog Day Morning...

That will probably lead to a dog day afternoon...
Okay, enough obscure movie references. I will soon begin some posts on understanding the "rules" of photography, so that I can also post some thoughts on how to break those rules and still take great photos.
For today though, I'd like to remind everyone that there's always great subject material available to photograph, wherever you go. Look left, and you'll see my dog Cody breaking in my new couch. It's not a great technical shot; there's a harsh shadow behind his ear, the white fur is a little blown out, etc. But I took this as I was getting ready to put the camera away, and it made me smile.
So look for future posts about the rules and how to break them. For right now, just go shoot something that makes you smile. After all, if you're not having fun you're probably doing something wrong...Happy shooting! to see pics.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Concrete and Steel
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Loving Lake Woodruff N.W.R.
Why is Lake Woodruff one of my favorite places to shoot? Look left. Sites like this are common at Woodruff. It's a National Wildlife Refuge, and it's less than 1/2 hour from my house. I found it because I used to see the sign for it on my way to DeLeon Springs State Park. After driving past the sign a few dozen times, I finally decided to take a detour and check it out. That was three years ago, and I've been there dozens and dozens of times since. How many other people have such an amazing natural resource practicaly in their own backyard? How many people drive by it time and time again, just like I did? How many wish they had such a great place to shoot?
Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge is managed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. If you'd like to learn more about it, please visit:
You can see more photos from Lake Woodruff, as well as many other great places, by visiting my Flickr page:
Happy shooting.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
A New Day. A New Blog.
Hi. I'm back.