While on vacation in the Adirondacks last fall, I stopped along a roadside to take some cow photos and learned a great lesson: Cows are cool! This particular cow was very friendly. As you can see, she tried to greet my camera with a kiss.
So, what's the point? I guess the point is that there are great photo opportunities everywhere, sometimes you just have to stop and look. Since this particular photo, I have stopped two or three other times to take cow photos. They usually trot over to greet you (hoping for food I'm sure, but a friendly greeting is a friendly greeting), and they have really interesting features to photograph; hooves, horns, tongues, etc.
You may or may not capture great images when you have the camera out, but it's a sure bet that you'll get no images if it's sitting in the camera bag collecting dust. Remember, if you're not having fun when you're out shooting you're probably doing something wrong...
http://www.flickr.com/ucfgrad1999 to see photos. Happy Earth Day and Happy shooting!
I adore cows!!! So this photo made me very happy! Great job, Russ!