That will probably lead to a dog day afternoon...
Okay, enough obscure movie references. I will soon begin some posts on understanding the "rules" of photography, so that I can also post some thoughts on how to break those rules and still take great photos.
For today though, I'd like to remind everyone that there's always great subject material available to photograph, wherever you go. Look left, and you'll see my dog Cody breaking in my new couch. It's not a great technical shot; there's a harsh shadow behind his ear, the white fur is a little blown out, etc. But I took this as I was getting ready to put the camera away, and it made me smile.
So look for future posts about the rules and how to break them. For right now, just go shoot something that makes you smile. After all, if you're not having fun you're probably doing something wrong...Happy shooting!
http://www.flickr.com/ucfgrad1999 to see pics.
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