Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Water, Water Everywhere...

February in Florida. Dry season, right? While that's usually the case, we do get weather fronts coming through that bring rain. Case in point, just this past weekend at Eckler's Chevy Winternationals. Rain, rain, and a little more rain fell from the sky and left many classic Chevys either glistening and wet or hidden beneath a car cover. Not the ideal photography weather, for sure.

So, what's a car-guy and aspiring photographer to do? Shoot pictures, of course! Colorless skies can help make the color of your subject pop, and water droplets make interesting patterns and textures.

There's no controlling the weather, so the best thing you can do is use it to your advantage. How many Bel Air hood ornament photos have you seen? If you're like me, hundreds and hundreds. How many wet ones have you seen? Probably not hundreds, more likely a handful at most. So the bad weather helped to create a more unique photo.

Happy shooting. Remember, if you're not having fun while you're out shooting, you're probably doing something wrong...

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